Saturday, 29 November 2008

Scarf Exchange 2008

This year I participated in the International Scarf Exchange put on by various spinning groups of Australia.

Last year it was held by the Gumeracha SA guild- where I first learned of it... so with the help of my friend Kathy I joined in on the fun this year. This year it was hosted by The Handweavers, Spinners and Dyers' Guild of Western Australia.
I got my scarf/extra yarn back today in the mail- so thought I should post my photos of the one I made. I'll get photos taken of my received items asap. :)

The fibre and one of the spindles I chose to use to spin the 150 grams.

Below shows the two spindles I used- the Pansy (by Spinsanity)
and The Magpie (by Yorkieslave Artworks).

This is the singles (^) which ended up being plied upon itself to create:
these 3 skeins- which when all put together - created this large bundle of yarn- shown with a full roll of paper/kitchen towels- for size comparison. :)
It was so soft and squooshy. I so hope the person receiving it loves it as much as I did. ( if you are reading this- please contact me- I would love to hear from you!)

Below you will see photos of the scarf I made in progress and then the finished scarf.

I crocheted the scarf in a pattern I found online, then added on my own free form 'fringe' on the ends- which I called gumtree leaves in order for the whole item to fit the "Outback" theme that was chosen for the year. :)

Hope you are well!

Saturday, 1 November 2008


Just quick- here's RJ in his 'costume' (It's not the important part for him at this stage- it is only a means to an end [candy] for him) for Halloween- he wanted to be a Pirate cat- incorporating last year's costume- but it didn't work out- no tail could be found- I know I have seen it not that long ago- but it was hiding from us when it was needed, silly thing!

And then below is a closer picture- what a happy boy! ( just a few minutes before this he was hiding in the doorway from the neighbours who had come up to see our house decorations.) He did well for his takings considering we only visited 5 houses total. One neighbour even came up and gave him two mini Crunchy bars because we didnt' stop in and she was expecting us! (We didn't think they were home.)

Can anyone say "Sporticus"? That who he looks like to me in this close photo.

And last but not least- here are the carved pumpkins from this year. The littles one- the size of a large grapefruit- is from our garden- the only one that survived. The large one we bought a few months ago in a fruit and veg shop when pumpkin was at an ok price. Thankfully it stored well in the garage. :)

How was YOUR Halloween??
Hope you are well!